On first impressions Praia looks overdeveloped, but its fabulous beach and good accommodation make it worth considering.
There is also a games room, terrace bar and restaurant and direct access to the fabulous beach.
It's a beautiful country, fabulous beaches, great weather big desert, full of interest.
One of its buildings is actually right next to the fabulous long sandy beach.
Along the rest of the route, SA has some fabulous beaches.
The most obvious thing they have in common is a fabulous beach.
Then they stayed at Jeriocoacoara, a remote resort also known for its fabulous beaches.
On the other side of the Bay of Santoña, another fabulous, tempting beach is visible.
This family-run hotel lies in a nature reserve about a mile from the island's southeast coast, near some fabulous beaches.
Set in a beautiful location above two fabulous sandy beaches, this Scandinavian-managed hotel offers good standards of accommodation and efficient service.