My favorite part was dressing up Barbie in all of those fabulous clothes.
Some people walked by Horza: tall humanoids in fabulous clothes, glittering like a gaudy night city seen from the air.
In addition to the refined cuisine that they have brought to the neighborhood, the couple stand out for their fabulous clothes.
It's exciting to see all three of us succeeding and finding fabulous clothes to fit our new and changing bodies.
I'm going to buy some fabulous clothes.
I had this wide-eyed glamour about these beautiful young people that globe-trotted from club to club dressing in these fabulous clothes.
Fashion editors had used it as an exotic background to collections of fabulous clothes.
It has glimmers of sexuality and brief glimpses of naked flesh amid all the fabulous clothes.
H Map The Woods Rd shop has home and food sections, along with fabulous clothes.
When Louise's friends show up, she tells them to take their pick of the fabulous clothes Andre has given her.