I always thought they were fabulous monsters!
"Aye, of an ever-warm land where the wild grape grows, ruled by a saintly wizard and filled with fabulous monsters!"
She is remarkable for a lack of development everywhere, and might be useful as a model of a griffin or other fabulous monster.
Ginger is appalling, a fabulous monster.
A fine fix for a fabulous monster!
On his shoulder sits a fabulous monster who may devour you any minute.
And how shall I know that I am still brave and fit to do battle with fabulous monsters?
He could encounter the fabulous Mundane monsters called bares who were reputed to be covered with fur, illogically.
I was more shaken by the sight of a fallen god than I could have been by any fabulous monster or towering Giant.
The combatants call a temporary truce and are intrigued by Alice, whom they perceive as a "fabulous monster".