But one fabulous first-day outfit will not cut it, at least not at the High School of Graphic Communication Arts in Manhattan, where the couple will be seniors.
They have the most fabulous outfits.
Entertainment Weekly said that "It's literally just a super-hot Kylie dancing and writhing around on the floor, wearing an endless array of fabulous outfits and being generally beautiful.
In the other, she wears fabulous outfits, sports a platinum hairdo and is pursued by a charming Scotsman.
She wears her original cotton chemise underdress, which originally would have had a fabulous outfit over it.
Destiny's Child is a top-notch pop group, with great attitude, sleek production and fabulous outfits, but these gals cannot perform in concert to save their lives.
LeGrow described Bizenghast as "about life, death and fabulous outfits (not in that order)", and notes the presence of religious themes.
And why shouldn't she, with those fabulous monochromatic outfits?
"I have fabulous, fabulous outfits, rare and complete."