Lawmakers are also facing other political concerns that have made the fight difficult for big business: national security, terrorism and a growing sentiment toward protectionism.
Domestic tax-exempt entities face similar concerns when investing in funds structured as partnerships.
Newhall Ranch has been in planning for nearly 15 years, facing legal actions, environmental concerns, and repeated investor changes.
The project will almost certainly face concerns from landowners reluctant to have wires cutting across their property.
While awaiting resolution of this matter, Cortlandt faces other fiscal concerns.
Now these employees face new concerns as they grapple with the violence of Sept. 11.
The American Heart Association is not the only nonprofit group to face concerns over corporate links.
Many children have distorted views of their parents' teen-age years, she said, and may think that no one in the older generations faced similar concerns.
Riley also will face other concerns in camp.
These years have shown how inflexible our society is when it faces serious political concerns.