The case is a classic example of the dilemma the C.I.A. continually faces in recruiting foreign agents.
Doctors, nurses and other health professionals continually face persecution around the world for nondiscriminatory treatment of patients, specifically in areas of conflict.
Hernández, who was traded last month, continually faced questions about his place in the rotation last season.
Many times, operational NGOs will use campaigning techniques if they continually face the same issues in the field that could be remedied through policy changes.
TWO faced continually worsening conditions in the neighborhood, and there are many arguments about its efficacy.
Captain Picard felt the same terror, yet he seemed to continually face it.
Whether he is the hero or the villain is one of the questions you'll face continually in Paradise Lost.
His figures and faces continually evoke notions of a consciousness evolving through love.
He continually faced rebellions from the Kharijites, but was able to systematically put them down.
The game starts in a practice mode in which you continually face waves of enemies until death.