His face a mixture of odd emotions, the sadness that seemed to shadow his eyes now deepened into a frown.
I saw the professor stiffen as he walked, while his face deepened in colour.
Angus McCloud's face deepened a good two shades in color.
As they sat, knees up, like admonished schoolgirls, their faces deepened into grimaces and smiles.
The princess circles three times, and her lover's painted face deepens with emotion.
The lines m his face had deepened, darkened, pulled taut; the skin stretched tight across the bones.
Neville, whose face had deepened in colour by several shades during the course of this fascinating conversation, let out a great and terrible scream.
His face deepened to purple, fist thrusting faster.
The man's face deepened into a mahogany brown, and he shifted his cap uneasily in his hands.
His face deepened to a face I've cometo think of, on other faces, as ancient, accepting.