Her fingers closed tightly on his wrist as she stared at the pale grim face half-hidden under his thumb.
I tried to keep my face half-hidden with my hands.
The Duchess was well muffled up, her face half-hidden in furs, for though the skies were clear, the weather continued cold.
The flame-light showed a small, frightened face half-hidden by the Dane's beard.
When they met, Mr. Zaidan said, the man had his face half-hidden with a scarf and left immediately without answering any questions.
Mishima regarded him for a long moment, his face half-hidden by moonshadows.
He had a dark, wizened face half-hidden by a large fur cap with ear flaps.
Sybil grinned up at him, her face half-hidden by the blanket's warm edge.
He stood looking down for a moment at the white face half-hidden by the ornate helmet, and then he reached reverently across to take the Sign.
Talon seemed to study her face half-hidden beneath tumbled curls.