Handbook for mortals: guidance for people facing serious illness.
I have always shown my solidarity with those people who face illness, including those whose [illnesses] are much worse than mine.
There they faced severe illness and the strife of "Bleeding Kansas".
Peer support is an important component of palliative care, which aims to improve the quality of life for people facing serious illness.
Along the way they faced adverse weather, fatigue and illness, and had to deal with engine problems and fuel leaks.
Those in high-risk groups could face serious illness.
For families facing major illness, insurance policy limits or even the requirement of a 20 percent co-payment can prove financially ruinous.
The fund provides financial assistance to all types of career musicians who are struggling with their finances while facing illness, disability, or age-related problems.
As he ages, he faces illness and other difficulties, but survives and adapts.
Three-quarters of the way through, the Sandler character has fast-forwarded into darker, sadder terrain, where he faces illness and death.