Those are the big questions facing investors regarding the new United Airlines, whose 1994 buyout effort now seems likely to succeed.
In a report that focused on the problems facing older investors, consumer advocates and state regulators last week termed most account statements unreadable.
Regulators said they hoped to have a clearer picture of the losses facing investors by that court hearing.
What risks face investors in European stocks?
But the pact, whose details will not be disclosed until it is signed next week, by no means solves all the problems facing potential investors.
But the question now facing investors is whether this upward swing will continue.
In today's uncertain environment one of the biggest problems facing investors is how to maximise income without taking undue risk with their money.
And finally, there is little discussion of currency risk, one of the biggest threats facing investors overseas.
Immediate availability of land for commercial or residential development has been the greatest challenge facing its longtime residents and potential investors.
But the essential issues facing investors in all these stocks concern the basic structure of the telecommunications industry, not relatively small regulatory questions.