This year, almost a quarter of Mozambique's 14 million people face starvation or severe malnutrition.
Beyond the political threat, several experts worry that a sizable percentage of Indonesia's 200 million people could face malnutrition.
Children often face malnutrition during the age of rapid development, which can have long-lasting impacts on health.
The organization partners with rural health centers to equip families facing malnutrition with seeds, livestock, and know-how for greater self-sufficiency.
The report also estimates that about three million people across the country will face "dire" malnutrition and require "therapeutic feeding."
Those who cannot migrate can face malnutrition and starvation.
In 1944 the French people, already exhausted by defeat and occupation, still faced malnutrition, strict food rationing and inflation.
Economic liberalization policies have been pursued in earnest since the early 90's, after poor harvests and economic mismanagement left millions facing malnutrition in 1990.
Days later they face malnutrition and delirium because their supply of cheese crackers has run out and they haven't caught any fish to eat.
Facing malnutrition, disease and a high infant mortality rate, the families display remarkable dignity in the face of disaster.