However, he was unable to save Elena and had to face Danny's anger about it.
Facing his first officer's anger was like leaning into a storm wind.
Taking a deep breath, my sweaty palms clenched, I turned to face his anger.
It was easier than facing her anger and hurt.
She faced her anger at being abandoned at an earlier age than anyone would have expected, and talked about loneliness.
He'd rather face Zeena's anger later than give up his last precious hour or two with Mattie.
She'd learned to find solace in flowers long ago, when her mother and sister had left her to face her father's anger alone.
She faced him, her hot anger dying away to something cold and, the ambassador sensed, far more formidable.
I didn't want to face her anger, but I took a deep breath and made my way down the short hallway.
It had been a calculated risk, but I still found I was covered with cold sweat from facing the old man's anger.