In certain countries, individuals and organizations have actively investigated the past to bring turncoats to justice to face their responsibilities.
"This could help Europe face its own responsibilities."
Red, though, will not face his responsibilities, and it is agoraphobic Ollie who must go retrieve the body.
How could Richard ever respect her if she didn't face her responsibilities to the greater good?
I hope you'll face your responsibilities as a government man too and go quietly and willingly.
Everybody must face their responsibilities, and you have responsibility in relation to an entirely constitutional issue.
There are fewer resources and each committee is therefore going to have to face its own responsibilities.
We have to wonder why the European institutions never dare to insist that these governments face their responsibilities.
It is very important for Croatia to face its responsibilities in terms of the war, and to allow the refugees to return.
If Iraq fails to make use of this last chance, and defiance continues, the Council will have to face its responsibilities.