He was a middle-sized young man, with a pleasant face and pale hair already receding a little.
As she began to lower herself, the images came pulsing back, the faces, fragments of neon arriving and receding.
Their faces were receding and there was a ringing sound in her head.
The face receded until Madoc saw a black-haired woman holding and rocking the baby.
A salty breeze caked his face and the sun receded behind the harbor bridge.
She watched as the man's blurry face receded, unable to understand what he was saying.
The man sat without moving until the blaze died down again and his face receded into shadow.
The vista and the face receded; they went out in a swirl of daylight.
The Earth's face streamed past, terrifyingly close but receding now.
The face receded into the distance as the Times man straightened up.