If convicted he faces removal from the national court for up to 20 years.
Many of the 140,000 immigrants detained nationally last year faced removal after serving prison terms for serious crimes.
Nixon resigned on Aug. 9, 1974, rather than face all but certain impeachment and removal from office.
Facing removal, the Lower Cherokee were the first to move west.
Those unable to show those things would face immediate removal from the welfare rolls.
A consumer can face removal from the property and the loss of their entire equity following a foreclosure auction.
He could also face impeachment and removal from office.
In addition to the criminal charges, he could also face impeachment and removal from office by Congress.
That is why reason prevailed on the only two occasions when Presidents seriously faced removal by impeachment.
Other Federal officials, including three judges in the last dozen years, have faced removal from office after committing perjury.