But not so much because of that photo on the book jacket, which the face before me only vaguely resembled.
The screen then showed a picture of a young television actor whose face resembled Johnny's.
Some humans are born with this defect, often making their face resemble a shark's.
His face, however, resembled Martin Black more than it did the bearded contractor.
Carissa is born with a face resembling a monkey.
He appears as a humanoid creature with a face resembling a bear-trap.
The upper body was completely manlike, but the face resembled nothing so much as an ape with a long snout.
Doctor Tenma: A man whose face and hair resemble that of a rooster.
The central face, benign and meditative, resembles the preserver Vishnu.
The President, his face strongly resembling Prytzkammer's in color, was listening intently on the phone.