He looked like he'd just come out of a shower, face scrubbed, hair wet and slicked back.
She came back from the bathroom, her makeup off, her face scrubbed.
Kitty lay on the wide bed, her face scrubbed so clean it shone.
When the bare leg was offered to him, he said nothing, staring at the little alien with a face scrubbed free of emotion.
He put his elbows on the table, scrubbed his face with his palms.
They looked extremely sweet and vulnerable in their pajamas, their faces scrubbed shiny.
In a very short time he was back, face scrubbed clean, and accompanied by several servants bearing trays of refreshments.
Her hair was back in pigtails, her face scrubbed free of makeup.
Her brown hair was in a French braid and her face had a clean, freshly scrubbed look to it.
She was sitting bolt upright, face scrubbed, hair tied, in a fresh nightgown.