Mimi's head poked out from the window, wreathed in smoke, her face smudged and eyes screwed up.
Her eyes were still red from crying, her face smudged and streaked with makeup that had dried after running.
You'd be quite attractive if you weren't so rumpled and sweaty, your face smudged with dirt, your hair straggly from the rain.
Yet here she was, entirely unself-conscious in dusty trews, her hair tied back, her face smudged and fingernails hastily but not successfully cleaned.
Her face smudged, Megaera does not look up from the stone-topped table where she studies a translucent blob.
The child was a girl, about six, her face smudged and long tow-colored hair falling over her grubby T-shirt.
She had stood so bravely in front of him, her face smudged and her shorn hair, dark with soot, clinging to her face.
Jordan was weeping inconsolably, his lovely face smudged with grief.
Her face smudged with soot, Serenity smiled brightly up at the man who had come to be her friend since she had been aboard the vessel.
Johanna stood there now, her face smudged, tears running down her face, two small, squirming dogs in her arms.