But similar proposals in the past have been raised and abandoned out of a fear of a backlash from voters who might face higher taxes.
Had the six companies faced standard federal taxes on those profits, they would have paid $26 billion to the United States.
Hoboken's 42,000 residents will now face increased taxes and cuts in city services as a result of that success, city officials said.
Yet the Chinese faced higher taxes, denials of citizenship and could not testify in court for violence against them.
"It's stealing from law-abiding people, who face higher taxes to make good the lost revenue."
The rate could be progressive, so high livers would face higher taxes than those who save a big part of their money.
Even then, they face heavy licensing fees, taxes and regulation.
The revelations come as the state faces a multibillion-dollar deficit and taxes that many groups say are among the highest in the nation.
All types of pubs are facing very high taxes, with beer tax up 35 per cent since March 2008, and too much red tape.
As of 2012 steel exports faced widespread anti-dumping taxes and had not returned to pre-2008 levels.