The trapeziodal fort is arranged to face to the north, its entry to the south.
It was originally to have faced the city to the south, with its main entrance on 110th Street.
The caves face to the south and are numbered serially from east to west.
Facing them to the east and to the south were the troops of the Romanian first and second line.
Its location could be also southwest, and its direction to be facing to the south.
Beefy led the way to the big bedroom that had windows facing to the south.
He and Julie were positioned at the open window of a classroom on the second floor, facing to the south.
He swiveled his massive head and stared at the window facing to the south.
He jacked a round into the chamber of his Mats-49 and faced to the south.
The lower temple faces east with the peak of Mount Hermon to the south.