Mr. McConnell is still expected to face tough questioning at his hearing.
A committee of business leaders assembled to raise money to build innovative model schools is reportedly facing tough going in the recession.
Because of the industry's strength, the bill is expected to face tough going on Capitol Hill.
Quick and massive delivery of humanitarian aid may also face tough going.
Mr. Luxemburgo faces tough questioning about more recent lineup decisions, too.
But the proposal faces tough going with Republicans in Congress amid continuing efforts to cut the budget deficit.
Despite this positive development, Selig is expected to face tough questioning because baseball was slow to initiate a testing program.
Unless it radically shifts course, China will face tough going on issues like trade preferences, military sales and further borrowing from development banks.
That proposal, which is supported by the Reagan Administration, faces tough going in Congress.
The plan would take the merger issue out of the judicial and legislative arenas, where it has faced tough going.