Not only are flooded communities destroyed, but cities and towns that are forced to absorb the migrants would face economic and social upheaval.
College professors are facing great upheaval as policymakers talk about using the Internet to modernize academia.
Maria Amelia faced chaos and upheaval from a young age.
While some delegates fear the threat of a new Europe, others fear that the Soviet Union may face similar upheaval.
However, in 1998, the conglomerate faces upheaval as the European telecommunications market is to be opened to competition.
They also faced constant upheaval from both physical and social disasters (earthquakes and landslides; wars and governments).
And if European leaders make a mistake, it will not just be the eurozone countries that face upheaval and devastation.
Yet he cautioned that the party could face social upheaval if it did not loosen social controls and promote "legalization and democratization" of state affairs.
Unfortunately it looks as though we are about to face social upheaval on a level not experienced for several decades in the UK.
The Yankees faced upheaval even before they opened the season.