He faced Topal again with a larger force and defeated and killed him.
His division faced the British 29th Division landing on 5 individual beaches with an initial force of 6 infantry battalions and 2 infantry regiments.
When faced with a superior force, pushing against it is usually futile.
Faced with a much larger and more powerful force, Raynald was forced to grovel, barefoot and shabby, before the emperor's throne for forgiveness.
If the Empire sends scouts, you may raise your shields, but you are not under any circumstances--even faced with a hostile force--to use weapons.
"When faced with a force of superior numbers, divide it into inferior units and overcome each separately."
Faced with a telepathic fighting force, the Federation might never win the war.
However, even before Cunningham moved against him, Gazzera was faced with a growing irregular force of Ethiopian patriots (or Arbegnoch).
(While I have used military time and include no commas, colons or dashes, these minor considerations melt away when faced with such a numerical force.)
With this experience, he deviated from the teachings of the military, and when faced with an overwhelming force he could not deal with the situation.