Each half-hour single theme episode typically includes several segments devoted to a serious issue facing youth, including school violence, mental illness, drugs, employment training and relationships.
Weary age facing flamboyant youth.
The fresh- faced youth found out which laundry the restaurant used and over the next three months had the tablecloths and napkins counted.
Then, when Americans faced decaying cities, drug addiction and violent youth, most Israelis happily noted that their country was different.
"The serious problems facing homeless youth over 18 must be addressed early," Mr. Leigh said.
Tobacco prevention programs represent interventions designed to increase awareness of the social influences facing youth.
Clementi's death brought national and international attention to the issue of cyberbullying and the struggles facing LGBT youth.
Back then, Mr. Hefner was a kid with strawberry blond hair flowing down his back, banging out articles about the inequities facing youth.
In response to the growing number and seriousness of social issues facing youth, WILL created a series of programs geared specifically towards this population.