They said the airdrop idea appeared to be a face-saving measure on the part of the Canadian and American military leaders.
The Catholic Church should be forthcoming and cooperate with the law instead of concealing wrongdoing and imposing its own face-saving measures.
Some face-saving measures were passed by the G.O.P. majority, but the essence of managed-care reform was defeated.
Johnson sought to help Fortas win a majority vote, but only as a face-saving measure, according to Johnson aide Joseph Califano:
In the end, irritated American negotiators gave up and resorted to the face-saving measure of retaining selected restrictions against companies from those countries.
Instead of conducting all-day meetings, as occurred in 1969, the Governor and the Legislature spent much of the session engaging in what critics call face-saving measures.
No Bargaining in People "It is a face-saving measure for General Morillon," Mr. Beslagic said.
Knowing that he could not win, Kato and his remaining supporters abstained from the no-confidence vote as a face-saving measure.
China requires them to go by way of a third country, as a face-saving measure with North Korea, its longtime ally.
Not shameless, he often gives in only after some face-saving measure -such as insisting on actually being threatened by Marc Anthony, refusing to give in to mere innuendo.