Black and Huber had faced each other three days earlier in the mixed doubles final.
But conditions, Nick was quick to discover, were far from what the English had earlier faced.
But he said nothing about the apple, having no intention of turning against the cat the fury he had earlier faced himself.
Certainly not the talented professionals he'd faced earlier.
He was not the supremely confident man who had faced Congresswoman Smith and her committee members earlier.
But there were more of them now than we had faced earlier in the day, a good many more.
Skoff found himself in a very different place against a different player than the one he had faced a day earlier.
Thus, the community faced a similar crisis as it had faced earlier.
The trial was therefore far different from the ordinary court martial that Aizawa had faced a few months earlier.
The two teams had faced a year earlier in the 1926 Colored World Series with the same result.