Yan Hsia also depicts faceless forms.
The dark, faceless form that stood a few feet from Ilvanich didn't reply.
Finally, and maybe for a long time, you stand in the shadow of large ghostlike faceless human forms and ponder why you know so little about what you have seen.
The cop was a faceless form behind a flashlight, aimed at Scott's intent eyes and still body.
In them were faceless forms of smoke and mist that went uneasily to and fro, and statues representing monsters with myriad heads.
The mummies stood as before, frozen in place around the room, shadows flickering over their faceless forms.
You profess to despise the faceless, nameless forms of government that oppress.
He lay on his back, staring up at the faceless forms standing above him.
The creature gave a loud burp and subsided into his former faceless form.
Regardless of its success or failure, the character sees a hideous, faceless spectral form which radiates intense cold and malice, with clawed talons reaching directly at his heart.