But the part about Mr. Bush's being weaker depends, beyond the numbers, on some pretty facile arguments.
In Washington, senators make facile arguments about improving the training of Iraqi troops, trying to reduce problems of motivation to problems of technique.
I mean, that's a facile, knee-jerk argument that's used all the time.
"However," Sytok continued sagely, "beyond that facile argument, your logic has faltered badly."
That is a very cheap and facile argument if I may say so.
The fundamentally forward-looking music of I A Moon refutes that facile argument.
Twin symbols of a hypocritical establishment, they are the straw men Mr. Robertson provides for his facile argument that a hostile culture contributed to their deaths.
Not even he really believes the title statement, and even he realizes that the book's facile argument is missing something.
Their strategy is clear: facile, emotive arguments which the general public accepts without any information as to the correct legal basis.
As most of the supporters of the BNP were/are traditional Labour voters and Tory voters that's a facile argument.