Japan's situation defies facile solutions, of course, just as it evades easy description.
It reveals the ambiguity of choice, and it promotes wariness about quick, facile solutions which have so often brought suffering in their wake.
"It should," Lars replied, grinning at her for her change of subject and the facile solution.
No mixing of symbols or facile solutions to the challenge of observing a Jewish holiday in an American society consumed by Christmas.
So when the candidates act humbly - and refrain from offering facile solutions to difficult matters - they merit respect.
And there are no facile solutions to ethnic conflicts rooted in centuries of antagonism.
Unfortunately, the president's approach has only exacerbated America's problems, because our problems are too complex and difficult for these facile solutions.
They realize the complexity of these issues, are not looking for facile solutions but only to be prodded, encouraged and sustained in their search.
Experience has taught me to be wary of such a facile solution to problems.