A service that facilitates and simplifies transactions among multiple parties.
Consumer-to-consumer, the electronically facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party (such as Ebay).
Cambridge theory argued that people hold money for two reasons: to facilitate transactions and to maintain liquidity.
The Minoans were also innovators, developing (or adopting) a system of lead weights to facilitate economic transactions.
Equivalent (rather than identical) standards in the member states have certainly provided the basis for facilitating cross-border transactions in other areas of Community law.
Added to the post and telegraph, is the telephone exchange which highly facilitates commercial transactions.
Specialists are often called on to valuate real estate and facilitate transactions.
People gathered at the market place for trading, and used scrip money to facilitate transactions.
We therefore need an information system to facilitate transactions, from the placing of orders through to payment.
Often, these private entities decide that it is simply not worth the risk of violating sanctions to continue facilitating even perfectly valid transactions.