The Hialeah Park racetrack ran into financial problems and the facility ceased operations with the last Flamingo Stakes run in 2001.
The facility ceased work as a hospital in 1970, but the building is still used by Kane Community Hospital for administration.
Inpatient facilities at the institutions ceased only in 1988.
The facility ceased all medical services on February 25, 2010.
The only other such facility in the United States, the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Ohio, ceased enrichment activities in 2001.
The facility ceased to operate in 1837 when the society stopped holding meetings.
In 1976 the facility ceased production.
By 1980, Maurice Lacroix had become so successful that the facility in Saignelégier ceased production for third parties.
The facility ceased operation in August 1945 and was placed on standby status after the end of the war.
The facility ceased operation in 1966.