One of the lasting legacies Holland left in Charlottesville, VA was the facility expansion.
Since 1996, more than $200 million has been invested in facility expansion.
Specifically, it establishes a zero percent tax rate for funds brought back to the U.S. that are invested in research and development, new manufacturing, and facility expansion.
The facility expansion completed in 2007 has made long-range route servicing a possibility.
Following the donation, Murray State also unveiled plans in January 2011 for facility expansion and upgrades to the CFSB Center.
During its time at Pope, a major period of facility expansion occurred.
There was no mention of potential repairs or facility expansion.
Fewer than 50 sub-scale tests were planned over three to four years, followed by facility expansions to accommodate five to 25 1000 second full-scale tests of a 2000MW engine.
Affected areas may include inventory levels, a work force expansion/contraction, facility expansion, purchases of capital equipment, and promotional activities.
The new facility and also expansion at the poultry-processing plant led to increased truck-traffic on Main Street and also to a built-up "industrial" feel to the town's northern end.