The facility also incorporates an express train link from City 17.
The new facility incorporates sections of the original building.
In order to accomplish this the facility actually incorporates two separate incinerators.
In 2003 the park was relocated, making way for a larger campground and modern facilities incorporating alternative energy.
These facilities will comply with the city's new watershed regulations and will incorporate treatment technology that will remove 95 percent of pollutants.
The facility incorporates many interesting design features.
The facility also incorporates a 1/10 mile indoor track suspended over the main arena, a premier wrestling room, and a 200 person auditorium.
The facility incorporates high efficiency boilers fueled by natural gas.
Covering almost 4,000 square metres, the facility incorporates several aspects of the shopping mall throughout its design and offering.
These facilities incorporate advanced and innovative processes to meet our customers' evolving requirements on time, every time.