Sir, your wife is living: that is a fact acknowledged this morning by yourself.
But the Government seems unable to go beyond these so-called stabilizers, a fact acknowledged by economists and legislators across the political spectrum.
Its contents would be of little use today to someone attempting to build a nuclear weapon, a fact acknowledged by its complete declassification in 1965.
To seek to eliminate it from the environment is impossible; a fact acknowledged by the Minister for Agriculture and his advisers.
Only after he was told to by damage control central; a fact acknowledged by this treasonable communist rag.
That fact mutually acknowledged, he resumed his ex-amination of every possibility of their cell.
The music has never become fashionable, however, a fact often acknowledged by promoters and critics.
By far the best speaker amongst the group was William Pitt a fact acknowledged even by his opponents who supported the government.
They made the Dayton peace accords possible, a fact acknowledged by a number of Western powers.
This year, the Fortnight was especially strong, a fact acknowledged last Sunday night at the awards ceremony.