One faction advocated a traditional surface battle fleet, while a second believed a fleet composed of aircraft carriers, torpedo boats, and submarines would be ideal.
Mr. Rosenberg's faction, called Membership First, opposes the plan and has advocated an aggressive approach in negotiations with producers.
After Eric was reinstated as king, some factions of the Swedish nobility advocated war with Norway.
The faction initially advocated social democracy, attempting to work with other labor and social movements to influence public policy.
His faction advocated support for strikes, nationalisation of banks and industry, and - despite acknowledged differences - closer ties with the Soviet Union.
Certain factions within the government and the Fleet have always advocated taking-stronger action, shall we say?
A second faction advocated peaceful withdrawal from society and the creation, to the extent possible, of a separate, parallel society based upon Islamic values and law.
Some factions advocated Protestant doctrines, renouncing the development of doctrine through tradition and instead emphasizing private interpretation of scripture.
A powerful faction among the delegates advocated returning to the former League of Nations complex in Geneva, Switzerland.
A political schism deepened as two factions advocated different princes for succession, until the eight year-old Yang-won was finally crowned.