In 1066, two rival Viking factions led invasions of England.
Some political factions in countries like France, which has high unemployment and expensive social welfare programs, are resistant to change and attempts at reform could lead to unrest.
The faction led by Abu Abbas led several attacks that included the killing of civilians.
In September 2005 led faction of PRO.
But it had become increasingly unclear which faction was leading the charge.
Two months ago, a radical faction led some protests against Washington's continued trade pressure on Korea to open markets to American goods, but I remain optimistic.
A faction led by the mysterious Future Guy contacts the Cabal in the past to employ them for their own ends.
Had Kasuf made a miraculous recovery and led Nagada's squabbling factions into battle?
The race between Amondson and Dodge was seen as a way of determining which faction would lead the party in the future.
This faction led economic development from 1960 to 1988.