He writes stirringly of Lovestone's career as a Communist, making especially vivid the complex factional battles he fought in the 1920's and 30's.
At least 27 people were killed on Sunday in an attack on a hostel near Johannesburg and others died elsewhere in factional battles.
Soon after Khomeini's death, the Islamic left lost the factional battle for dominance.
At least 47 people were killed and 200 wounded by bombs, factional battles or the police today in voting for legislatures in eight Indian states, news agencies reported.
Anthropologists, as students of culture, once tried to mediate among inconsistent world views, but now they're locked in their own factional battles.
The CP's opponents within the labor movement also used this sudden change against them in the factional battles of the years to come.
As recently as last week, a senior administration official said the continual fighting had led to poisonous factional battles within the agency.
The change of position regarding the women's organization was a side-effect of the factional battle inside the party.
But they ended up pawns in a long-term factional battle, with 241 killed.
In January of 1994, more than 70 people were killed, and at least 670 were injured after two days of factional battles in the Afghan capital Kabul.