Raised as a Catholic, he was influenced as an adolescent by the factional fights that arose during the Labor split.
Actually, he suggested mildly, it looked like a factional fight in which both parties had done some shooting, but the killing of Joe Neal was outright murder.
The authorities have taken pains to represent Niyogi's murder as a factional fight between extremists.
In the wake of another factional fight in 1976, the IWP publicly disbanded.
The region is deeply affected by the factional fights involving several armed insurgent organizations among themselves as well as with the Indian Security Forces.
"The children were traumatised by what happened - they are neutral parties who are being caught up in this factional fight."
That factional fight on the verge of victory was the only thing that saved them.
But the local officials say that the groups were not in the area and that the United States was duped into joining a factional fight.
In recent months, the separatist movement has been sapped by factional fights and by dwindling electoral popularity.
American Communists then started using the English term "American exceptionalism" in factional fights.