In Myles, the single factory has burned to the ground.
The factories of Pipetown burned on until about 9:00.
In 1986, the factory burned to the ground.
In 1712, Motorin's factory burnt down and was rebuilt only two years later.
However, before plans could be finalized for production of the new little figure, the factory burnt to the ground.
In December 1852, the firm suffered a setback when their factory burned.
Conn's second factory burned on 22 May 1910, a loss estimated between $100,000 and $500,000.
The town prospered until 1850, when the factory burned and was shut down permanently.
On July 18, 2006, the 80 year old factory burned to the ground creating a loss of over $5,000.000.
On December 11, 1916, the factory all but completely burned to the ground.