However, over the last 5 years, the garment industry has suffered from reduced export earnings, continued factory closures, and rising unemployment.
Numerous factory closures affected the working and social life of the region.
There have been several factory closures, especially since the 1950s.
Last fall, Sir Howard announced a turnaround plan that included 10,000 job cuts and 11 factory closures.
The reason given by the civil servants for this factory closure was the general shortage of raw materials such as coal and metals.
Many factory closures are on the way, with perhaps as many as 600,000 jobs at risk.
They themselves face the threat of social unrest over the coming factory closures.
I remember reading that the air quality had improved because of factory closures.
All of them have announced job cuts, factory closures and plans to spin off or trim unprofitable divisions.
This is where, as a principle, climate protection must, without doubt, be given priority over factory closures and the transfer of production.