This factory, a spinning mill, used the water power of the Rotkanal.
The factory could then melt these down and use them in new frames of miniatures.
For every kilowatt-hour that the factory does not use on the next day, the company pays 20 cents.
But here, as in many places where factories used to be, history can be sentimental.
At the beginning of the colonial era, all factories in the city used to be owned by the British.
The place where the factory used to be is now a monument.
Many factories use them to deliver parts quickly across large campuses.
Many factories use robots to do lots of hard work quickly and without many mistakes.
The factory uses between 200 and 300 gallons of gasoline a week for testing purposes.
Under the code, factories could not use forced labor nor require employees to work more than 60 hours a week.