In many cases the only difference is the factory warranty, which can be purchased elsewhere, and often for less money.
Try to buy one with the balance of a six-year, 100,000-mile factory warranty still in effect.
This entails a 190-point check and the car comes with a two-year factory warranty.
A one-year factory warranty was included against material and workmanship defects.
All three consistently broke down and were retired soon after their factory warranties expired.
Usually, off-lease vehicles are returned within 2-3 years, often before their original factory warranty expires.
Late models with remaining factory warranty are not uncommon.
Then the cars are backed by extended factory warranties with the same coverage as if they were new.
"Be sure to understand what components your factory warranty covers, and for how long," he said.
The factory warranty on Maverick shotguns are limited to one year.