While drawing from the historical record, I've made no attempt to furnish factual answers to any questions raised by the assassination.
Each question should have a factual answer - facts necessary to include for a report to be considered complete.
Religion has factual answers that have no good reason to suppose is correct.
Answers is suboptimal for questions requiring factual answers and that the quality decreases as the number of users increases.
Here's the short, strictly factual and altogether improbable answer.
Seems to me that most of the responders to your question were only attempting to submit factual answers - neither negative nor positive.
His early drafts contained short, factual answers touting his qualifications.
"Responsible, factual answers were ignored as the malicious character assassinations continued," she said.
"What we need is factual answers."
The Commissioner gave a factual answer; he used the opportunity to set out a number of starting points relating to his prospects for a proper energy policy.