The factual argument has its roots in the brute fact that there are some terminally ill patients who wish to die a dignified death.
They are a statement of what he has concluded from the conflicting factual arguments the two sides have presented in court.
A written statement submitted in a trial or appellate proceeding that explains one side's legal and factual arguments.
As in society at large, the intensity and duration of these debates is usually inversely proportional to the number of objective, factual arguments available to buttress any position.
"It's much more an emotional argument than a factual argument," he said as the president finished making his case for dislodging Mr. Hussein.
So we have strong legal, factual and procedural arguments.
To contest charges that Mr. Clinton lied under oath and obstructed justice, his lawyers boiled down their previous factual arguments into a tightly focused summary.
Should such decisions not be taken with greater openness so that the factual arguments in favour of the location can be given greater weight?
I myself think that Mr Le Pen has a number of factual and legal arguments which no doubt he will wish to deploy before the German court.
"It has everything to do with a factual argument," Mr. Spitzer said, "that the death penalty is not abused or unfairly carried out in California."