Balance and more factual detail might give readers who don't know the history of Cuba an opportunity to learn something.
Providers can correct factual details, but not present new evidence.
But it was Curtis's ability to blend factual details and romantic stereotypes that made his pictures so popular.
It means getting factual details, but more importantly, understanding the client's aims and aspirations.
To obtain the factual details, the adviser will complete a confidential questionnaire or 'fact find'.
But in his Times article he is just a little careless on one factual detail.
History books have their main ideas, supporting evidence and factual details arranged in a particular manner.
I was able to pretty much be myself around Lanny, with the exception of every factual detail of my life.
It is not a quality of my mind to cling to factual details like that.
Thus there is always skepticism about how valid a memory is as evidence of factual detail.