In 2003 it was ITV's most popular factual programme with a total of 75 million viewers.
Listen to a wide range of factual programmes from the Radio 4 Archives.
It was the highest rated specialist factual programme of the year with an audience of 10.3 million and a 40% share.
Agents or their production companies should not be commissioned to produce factual programmes about the talent they represent.
Educational and factual programmes sounded dull and lifeless, when they might have inspired.
It happens in drama a lot - but it has completely taken over factual programmes too.
Speight worked on numerous other shows, ranging from children's television to adult factual programmes.
"I think Britain is the world leader in premium, high-end, factual programmes," she says.
In the coming months we will be making even more of our factual programmes permanently available.
Westminster is a factual and somewhat pedestrian programme and, in the past, it tried not to offer political judgements.