In the second sense it is factually true and falsifiable.
Pretty sure that's actually another one that's not factually true.
Suppose there is no telephone call, only shared speculation that is either factually true or false - what should happen to the rumormongers?
He read the words of scripture as though they were factually true in every detail, and could be applied, simply and directly, to everyday life.
But in the West there had been a tendency to regard the Bible as factually true in every detail.
To relegate them to the status of white male writing may be factually true, but it's of low significance.
There is nothing in our ad that is not factually true.
I can't believe that somebody tells me I can't speak about what is factually true.
Asked about them today, Boras said, "I think it hurt all of us mainly because it wasn't factually true."
But the fact is most of the things they're saying about us are factually not true.