Its faculty conducted more than 2,000 research studies, including clinical trials, in the same fiscal year.
The school houses several different centers of excellence that exemplify the variety of areas in which the school's faculty and students conduct research.
The faculty conducts scientific-research activities in the following areas:
The faculty conducts specialization in 11 specialties, improvement in 14 ones.
The Nunn School's faculty conducts research in a wide range of fields of international political economy, comparative politics, and international security policy.
The college is affiliated with research centers through which faculty and students conduct research and further engage in their respective fields.
At the same time, the faculty is conducting a painstaking curriculum review to find out whether the institution is adequately preparing its students for public service.
This faculty will conduct research on fish covering both inland and marine fisheries.
By January 2012, the faculty had conducted a vote of "no confidence" against Marsee.
The same faculty for many years conducted all three land-grant college missions of teaching, research and educational services for farmers and rural families.