It was one of the first universities in Europe, and across northern Europe later universities were typically modeled after its system of faculty governance.
Walker also emphasized the importance of faculty governance by regularly attending their meetings and seeking their advice on major decisions.
Hence the university has no faculty governance.
Professor Johnston responded by recalling the revered university tradition of faculty governance.
The structure of Northern Universities tended to be modeled after the system of faculty governance developed at the University of Paris.
Yet while the administrators of private universities - especially prestigious research institutions - attack the reality of faculty governance, they need to preserve the appearance.
First published in 1987, the NEA statement on faculty governance in higher education is a straightforward point of view on their policy in support of shared governance.
Again, the "Policy Statement of Community College Governance" correlates based upon the same underlying principles of the AAUP and NEA statement on faculty governance.
Hence the university has no faculty governance, although there are elected Academic Boards at faculty level who advise the deans.
Since DTU has no faculty senate, and since the faculty is not involved in the appointment of president, deans, or department heads, the university has no faculty governance.