Students and faculty may use the gym free of charge and alumni can purchase a membership.
Generally the colour of the hat is black, although a few faculties use coloured doctoral hats.
In keeping with the island's military history, perhaps the faculty could use military educators, too.
The faculty in Victoria use lecture-capture software to archive class sessions.
The faculty uses modern technologies to enhance the learning capabilities of the students and to provide them with a stimulating and challenging environment.
Students and faculty frequently use the nearby 1 train to commute to and from downtown Manhattan.
The students and faculty used the local church hall as temporary accomodation for a year.
Additionally, administrators, faculty, and staff use email as well as web pages to communicate with parents.
In this university, those departments and faculties use a letter for alias.
The space that was formerly the campus bookstore will now be a state of the art gym facility that students, staff, and faculty can use.